Health Syllabus 6-8



This year, we will be covering many different topics including the human body, stress, peer pressure, emotional and mental health, and improving health behaviors.  This class will prepare you to make healthful decisions for the rest of your life!



The supplies needed for this class are as follows:

·       Three ring binder or Section of a Binder with loose leaf for notes

·       Journal (Must be separate from notebook preferably a composition book or single subject spiral notebook)

·       Black or blue in pens or pencils



 Journal- 10%


Quizzes and Tests- 25%

Quarterly Project- 25%

Behavior/ Participation- 30%



·       Students are expected to be prepared each day for class.  This includes coming to class with a pen or pencil, binder, and necessary assignments.

·       If a behavior issue occurs:

o   The student will be given a warning.

o   If issue continues, the student will be given a written assignment.

o   If issue persists, the student will be given detention and parents will be notified.

o   Any further disciplinary action will result in a referral to the dean/office.



Quizzes will be given frequently.  At the end of each unit there will be a test. Tests will include multiple choice, matching, true/false, short-answer, and long-answer questions. Each test will be scheduled in advance and there will be some time for review in class.



Homework is meant to be rigorous and challenging. How work will not be accepted late unless a student has an excused absence in which the assignment will be due the next school day the student is present.


Due to the fact that health classes only meet once per cycle it is the student’s responsibility to get any notes or work missed due to an absence. Each student will be assigned a homework buddy who will hold onto handouts/homework if their buddy is absent. If a student needs further help it is that student’s responsibility to make time with the teacher PRIOR to the following health class.



I am always available to offer extra help. Please see me if you need help and we can set up a time to work together. I can also be contacted at anytime at and I will respond to you as soon as possible.